Finally, I have a moment to add something new. Last Wednesday I went to a local workshop where we were free to paint anything so I chose one of my faves, a canna that had looked beautiful in the summer. Have put up a picture of the finished painting for comments, ideas, etc. This coming week we are painting figures in action. Should be interesting as we are going straight in with the brush and painting each other.
On Friday we are attempting a still life in the style of Gustav Klimt. That should be great fun with all the decorative work involved but I am not so sure about still life. Klimt's work nearly always involved figures. Anyway, I will show you the result later.
I am struggling a bit with the technology. It has taken me nearly a week to work out how to add links and I am still not getting the pictures cropped properly or put in the place that I want them. Any assistance would be gratefully received.