Saturday, 22 November 2008

Last Week's Workshops

I was going to class on Wednesday but it was such a lovely sunny day and we had a 3 inch layer of oak leaves on the back garden, so I opted to do some leaf collecting instead. It was probably better exercise than painting but, looking out of the window today, it looks as though it will have to be done again after a windy day yesterday.

Although I didn't paint any 'figures in action', I did go to the group where we have been attempting a Klimt-style painting. Here is my unfinished mermaid. My gold pen ran out and I think it needs lots more decoration.

I think I need to put in a face but would be grateful for any comments.

Tuesday, 18 November 2008

My Favourite

I forgot to include my favourite painting by my good friend Pat Roberts. It is in watercolour and still for sale.

Exhibition Visit

Today I manned the sales desk at our local art group annual exhibition which was held at Denbies Vineyard near Dorking. I have included photos of two lovely paintings that are there.

This is an oil painting by Alan Brown.

Jackie Tratt painted the beautiful watercolour which you can see below.

Monday, 17 November 2008

Last Week Catch Up

Finally, I have a moment to add something new. Last Wednesday I went to a local workshop where we were free to paint anything so I chose one of my faves, a canna that had looked beautiful in the summer. Have put up a picture of the finished painting for comments, ideas, etc. This coming week we are painting figures in action. Should be interesting as we are going straight in with the brush and painting each other.

On Friday we are attempting a still life in the style of Gustav Klimt. That should be great fun with all the decorative work involved but I am not so sure about still life. Klimt's work nearly always involved figures. Anyway, I will show you the result later.

I am struggling a bit with the technology. It has taken me nearly a week to work out how to add links and I am still not getting the pictures cropped properly or put in the place that I want them. Any assistance would be gratefully received.

Thursday, 13 November 2008

First Ever Blog

This is an exciting day for me, having just found out how to do this. Have been following other aspiring and successful artists' blogs which I found via Carol Carter's website. Please excuse any major blunders for the first few posts as I am still learning.

I belong to a couple of local art societies and attend painting groups each week and would be grateful to receive any constructive criticism from fellow bloggers. I paint mostly in watercolour, once a year in oil, and have recently been experimenting with acrylics. You know what they say, "Jack of all trades...", that's me. I am keen to get this posted so here goes and here is my first painting for any thoughts.