We have had a busy few days getting our house sorted. We have a loft full of junk that we have collected over the years from antique shops and car boot sales, plus all the usual stuff that you save over the years. Even if we do not move house yet, at least we will have a fresh start. We still have to paint the hallway, kitchen and utility room and put some of our big Victorian furniture into storage to give the illusion of space. The estate agent was full of ideas which basically meant throwing everything out and starting again. Hoping the market picks up again soon or maybe we will just build a big new extension here.
I spent a bit of time with my grandchildren on Friday. We had a lovely day making pottery and painting it before it goes in the kiln and looking round the Bedford museum. They both chatter non-stop and are still so sweet at only 5 and 7 years.
Still thinking about my abstract and looking for more of natures patterns. Close up photography of flowers and trees seem to work well. The painting above is a picture I did a couple of years ago, pouring acrylic paint onto block canvas. I loved the translucence of the paint.
Thank you Angela for your tip about the music - hope this has worked.